Event Details

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On Tuesday, June 29, Sachs Electric will begin street work on the Medical Campus that includes work on Boyle Avenue between Clayton Avenue and Duncan Avenue, Duncan between Boyle and Euclid, Euclid between Parkview and Forest Park,  and Forest Park between Euclid & Kingshighway in front of the Center for Outpatient Health.

Sachs will be installing new, TFC underground fiber optic cable that will extend from the BJC @ the Commons Building (aka AOB) on Clayton & Boyle to the College of Nursing on Duncan and the Center for Outpatient Health on Forest Park. The path for the cable installation is anticipated to run north on Boyle, west on Duncan, north on Euclid, and west on Forest Park to COH. This underground work will require extensive access to the following TFC manholes on the campus along the entire route.

·         Manhole #2 – Newstead, South of Metro Link Tracks

·         Manhole #2a – Newstead, North of Metro Link Tracks

·         Manhole #3 – Duncan Avenue and Newstead

·         Manhole #3a – Newstead, South of Duncan Avenue

·         Manhole #4 – Duncan Avenue and Newstead

·         Manhole #5 – Duncan Avenue at 4444 Building

·         Manhole #8 – Duncan Avenue at Goldfarb College of Nursing

·         Manhole #9 – Duncan Avenue and Taylor Avenue

·         Manhole #10 – Parkview Place Sidewalk in School of Pharmacy Construction Area

·         Manhole #12 – Euclid Avenue at Fountain – Pedestrian Sidewalk

·         Manhole #15 – Forest Park Parkway and Euclid Avenue

·         Manhole #74 – Boyle, South of Metro Link Tracks

·         Manhole #75 – Boyle, North of Metro Link Tracks

·         Manhole #76 – Duncan Avenue, East of Newstead in Sidewalk

·         Manhole #77 – Duncan Avenue, between Boyle and Newstead

·         Manhole #78 – Duncan Avenue, West of Boyle Avenue

·         Manhole #79 – Duncan Avenue and Boyle Avenue

·         Manhole #80 – Duncan Avenue, East of Boyle

This work is weather permitting. The planned duration of this work is through close of business on July 29, 2016. All street work will be done during prime (daytime) shifts, beginning daily at 7:30am and ending at 3:30pm each day.

There are NO anticipated street closures involved but intermittent lane obstructions and traffic shifts will occur. The Sachs crew will provide traffic and safety control to include flagmen, cones, plating (where appropriate), and warning signs during all work times. To ensure safety, Sachs vehicles may be employed to block the manholes as they are accessed. All Confined Space access has been permitted by BJC Health & Safety.

Please direct any questions or concerns to Tony Noto 314-362-3432 or 314-304-0953 or Tim Rand at 314-362-0040.