Event Details

Buildings affected:

Barnard Hospital, Biomedical Computer Lab, Biotechnology Center, 4533 Clayton Ave, 4560 Clayton Ave., Cancer Research Bldg, Clinical Sciences Research Bldg, East Building, East Imaging Center, East McDonnell Facility, Eric P Newman Education Center, Irene W Johnson Institute Rehab, Bernard Becker Medical Library, Farrell Learning & Teaching Center, Maternity Hospital, McDonnell Medical Sciences Bldg, McMillan Hospital, Mallinckrodt Institute Radiology, North Medical Bldg, Northwest Tower, Olin Residence Hall, Renard Hospital, Old Shriners, Specialized Interim Research Bldg, South Medical Bldg, Specialized Research Facil-East, West Building, Wohl Clinic, Wohl Hospital


This outage is necessary to perform maintenance in the Campus Power Plant as well as various Campus Buildings on the main steam supply system and condensate return system to the Power Plant. Equipment impacted by the outage will include Building heat, autoclaves/sterilizers, domestic hot water, cage washers, dish washers and any departmental equipment that requires steam for operation.